Mics chilli Naga Knockdown


Get ready for a damn hot knockdown in the Lucha Libre ring!

 This loco hot sauce contains over 50% Naga Jolokia “Ghost” Chilli, for the most unbelievably fruity, fiery and incandescent experience!

155g ℮

Scoville Scale: 600,000

(Scoville rating based on quantitative analysis, seasonal variations can occur)

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Get ready for a damn hot knockdown in the Lucha Libre ring!

 This loco hot sauce contains over 50% Naga Jolokia “Ghost” Chilli, for the most unbelievably fruity, fiery and incandescent experience!

155g ℮

Scoville Scale: 600,000

(Scoville rating based on quantitative analysis, seasonal variations can occur)

Weight 155 g
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